Monday 23 June 2014

Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Bread Pudding with Evaporated Milk Crème Anglaise

I have been wanting to make this bread pudding for a few days now, and because I woke up unnaturally early for a Saturday today, I decided today was the day.  Originally I had wanted to make this with croissants, however, after browsing around the bakery and picking up a dozen croissants I came across this fresh pumpkin seed and cranberry loaf, it was dense and soft and I just changed my mind about the croissants. I used dark baking chocolate because I just really love dark chocolate,  but not everyone is a fan, you could most definitely substitute the dark chocolate for milk chocolate or white chocolate which would be really nice with the raspberries. 
 Ingredients  serves 4-8
1- 450g pumpkin and cranberry loaf, or substitute with a french loaf
4 large eggs
6 oz dark baking chocolate, chopped
6 oz  raspberries
2/3 cup whole milk
1 cup 35% cream / whipping cream
3/4 cup sugar
2 tsp vanilla
Pre heat the oven to 350*f.  Grease and line a 9inch square cake pan with parchment paper.
Slice the loaf into 1 cm thick slices and layer into the cake pan. Scatter the raspberries and the chocolate over top and between the bread slices.
In a medium size bowl mix the milk, cream, sugar, and vanilla. Pour over the sliced bread, chocolate and raspberries, pressing the bread down to ensure the crusts get well saturated with the milk and cream mixture. Bake for 45 minutes.

For the the Crème Anglaise
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 cup evaporated milk
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
Heat the evaporated milk over a medium heat until scalding.  Whisk the egg yolk and sugar together in a medium bowl, slowly drizzle in the hot milk whisking constantly. Return the milk and egg yolk mixture to the small pot over a low/medium heat and cook stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until thickened.
Serve the crème Anglaise with each slice of bread pudding, or pour over top the whole pan of bread pudding.

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