Monday 21 July 2014

Bacon Wrapped Cod with Balsamic and Garlic Reduction

So it’s been a while that I’ve been wanting to make this, Bacon covered fish… to be honest I’ll eat just about anything if it’s wrapped in bacon….I also made a garlic and balsamic vinegar reduction sauce to serve with the fish, the sweetness of the brown sugar in the balsamic reduction is a perfect balance to the salty bacon that so lovingly wraps around the cod. This is a really simple dish to make that has major food porn photo potential.

4 thick cut cod fillets
6 bacon slices
1/2 c balsamic vinegar
1 tsp dark brown sugar
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1/2 tsp tomato paste
black pepper

To prepare the fish, pat the fillets dry using paper towel, season the fillets with black pepper.
Wrap the fish fillets in the bacon, 3 slices of bacon will wrap 2 fillets, ( see photo above) set aside
Heat a large frying pan over a medium heat, place the bacon covered cod in the pan and sear for 3 minutes a side until the bacon has browned. ( At my house fish has to be reaaaaallly well done in order for anyone but myself to eat it and so I cooked the fish for a bit longer )
To make the reduction sauce,  heat the balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, garlic cloves and tomato paste in a small sauce pan, simmer over a medium low heat for 5-10 minutes until reduced by 1/2 and thickened.

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