Sunday 8 June 2014

Super Bock BBQ Sauce

It is no secret that I enjoy a beer on most days that end in -day, my go to beer is Rickard’s White with a slice of orange, although I will change it up and have a Stella Artois or  Guinness depending on my mood. There is, however another beer that I will pick over any other if it is available, and sadly for me it isn’t always available at the bar, Super Bock. Super Bock is a Portuguese Beer, and a very good one, Super Bock is the only beer to have won 26 consecutive gold medals in the “Monde Selection de la Qualite”.
I picked up some Super Bock at the LCBO the other and thought I would try making a Super Bock BBQ sauce for some chicken wings that I had defrosting on the kitchen counter.  When the sauce was finished and I tested it for salt there was something, not off, but missing. Turns out what was missing from the sauce was some acidity, a splash of red wine vinegar really rounded the flavors off and combined everything, it was perfect.

For the Sauce
  • 1 bottle of Super Bock Beer
  • 1/4 c +1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 3 tbsp malagueta
  • 1 garlic clove minced
  • 1 shallot, peeled and sliced
  • 1 tbsp fancy molasses
  • 1/4 c brown sugar, lightly packed
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 6 allspice berries
  • 1/8 tsp black pepper, or to taste
  • sea sat to taste
  • 1/2 tsp red wine vinegar
This is a very easy sauce to make, simply place all the ingredients MINUS the  salt and red wine vinegar in a small sauce pot and simmer over a medium heat for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally until thickened.  Pour the sauce through a sieve and into a small bowl, discard the bits that are left behind. Stir in the red wine vinegar and season to taste with the sea salt.

For the Wings
  • 3 lbs chicken wings
  • 1 c vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 2 tsp garlic granules ( not garlic salt or garlic powder)
  • black pepper to taste
Pre heat the oven to 400*f, Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, set aside.
Place the chicken wings in a large bowl and add the remaining ingredients. Using your hands, rub the oil and seasoning into the wings until coated evenly. (If you wanted to and had the time you can let the wings marinade in this seasoning oil in the fridge overnight).
Place the wings on the baking sheet in an even single layer along with any remaining oil/seasoning. Bake the wings for 20 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven, turn the wings and bake another 15 minutes minutes until crisp.
Place the cooked chicken wings in a large bowl and toss in the BBQ sauce, ensuring the wings are evenly coated.

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